E-commerce is the buying and selling of good or services via the internet, and the transfer of money and data to complete the sales. It’s also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce.
Types of e-commerce

Why use lshop?
Because it has been built keeping in mind the needs of Indian entrepreneurs. And
it has also been taken care of how the IT facility is present in India.
क्यों की इसका निर्माण भारतीय उद्यमियों की जरूरतों को ध्यान में रखते हुए किया गया
है. तथा इस बात का भी ख्याल रखा गया है की भारत में आईटी सूविधा वर्तमान कैसी है.

How to start Ecommerce
First set your mind to start online business, then register at LSHOP and upload
your Products and start selling online through your website and App and via
share through social media i.e. whatsApp, facebook etc, SMS and Email.
एलशॉप का उपयोग कैसे करें?
ऑनलाइन बिजनेस शुरू करने के लिए सबसे पहले आप अपने को ऑनलाइन बिजनेस के लिए तैयार
करें, फिर एलशॉप पर रजिस्टर करें और अपने प्रोडक्ट्स को अपलोड करें और अपनी वेबसाइट
और ऐप के जरिए और सोशल मीडिया यानी व्हाट्सएप, फेसबुक आदि, एसएमएस और ईमेल के जरिए
ऑनलाइन बेचना शुरू करें।
Your Personalized App and website
For your customer we you provide personalized App and website, in this only your
all product and business, timing, offline store/Shop related content will be
आपके ग्राहक के लिए हम आपको व्यक्तिगत ऐप और वेबसाइट प्रदान करते हैं, इसमें केवल
आपके सभी उत्पाद और व्यवसाय, समय, ऑफ़लाइन, स्टोर / दुकान से संबंधित सूचनाएं
उपलब्ध होगी।

A Domain Name is a textual version of an IP Address, the number that points
to a particular website. Each domain name on the Internet corresponds to such
Without domain names, each and every website would have to be recalled by a IP
Address, similar to the telephone system ie 198.256.538.352, but much more
difficult to remember. For this reason, domain names were introduced, and have
made navigation on the net and access website.
Some of available extensions for Domain:: .भारत, .संगठन, .in, .pro, .aca, .pro, .accountant, .accountants, .acct, .pro, .actor, .adult, .adv, .br, .ae, .org, .agency, .airforce, .amsterdam, .apartments, .app, .archi, .army, .arq, .br, .art, .br, .asia, .attorney, .auction, .audio, .auto, .avocat, .pro, .band, .bar, .bar, .pro, .beer, .berlin, .best, .bet, .bid, .bingo, .bio, .biz, .black, .blackfriday, .blog, .blog, .br, .blue, .boutique, .br, .com, .build, .builders, .business, .buzz, .bz, .ca, .cab, .cafe, .camera, .camp, .capetown, .capital, .car, .cards, .care, .career, .careers, .cars, .casa, .casino, .catering, .cc, .chat, .cheap, .christmas, .church, .cl, .claims, .cleaning, .click, .clinic, .clothing, .cloud, .club, .cn, .cn, .com, .co, .co, .com, .co, .de, .co, .xyz, .co, .nz, .co, .uk, .co, .za, .coach, .codes, .college, .com, .com, .au, .com, .br, .com, .cn, .com, .co, .com, .de, .com, .mx, .com, .ru, .com, .sc, .community, .company, .computer, .condos, .construction, .consulting, .contractors, .cooking, .country, .courses, .cpa, .pro, .credit, .creditcard, .cricket, .cruises, .cymru, .dance, .date, .dating, .de, .de, .com, .deals, .degree, .delivery, .democrat, .dental, .dentist, .desi, .design, .dev, .diamonds, .diet, .digital, .direct, .directory, .discount, .dog, .domains, .download, .durban, .earth, .eco, .br, .education, .energy, .eng, .br, .eng, .pro, .engineer, .engineering, .enterprises, .equipment, .es, .estate, .eu, .eu, .com, .شبكة, etc.

- Your Domain
- Free Hosting
- Designs as you wish
- Online Store
- Unlimted Products
- Unlimted of Published Pages
- Unlimted of Working Pages
- SSL Security
- Mobile Editor
- Staff Accounts
- Phone/ Ticket/ Chat Support
- Multiple Languages
- Branded Email
- Inventory
- Professional reports
- Blog
- Discount codes
- GST report
- GST calculators
- Income calculators
- Sell on other website and market place
- logos/images/graphics
- Personalized App
- POS for on store sell
- Online Payment option
- Bulk Product Edit

Price and plan of LSHOP
Start online Ecommerce @ Rs. 50 per Month only and when you have required
upgrade plan any time. LSHOP is based on Pay-As-You-Use (PAYU), so you had
required to pay only for that features those you have required.
एलशॉप का प्रयोग करके ऑनलाइन ईकॉमर्स की शुरुआत कर सकते हैं वो भी रु. 50 प्रति माह
की दर से और जब आपको किसी भी समय प्लान अपग्रेड की आवश्यकता होती है कर सकते हैं.